
Sometimes I get an idea that I can't put down until it's done.  Maybe its a piece of music or an idea for a product that doesn't exist.  I'm a classic tinkerer and lifelong learner.   Here, you'll find anything from music production, luthierie, writing and engineering.  Here you'll find a collection of odds and ends that captured my imagination and held my curiosty long enough to turn an idea into a concept into a reality.  Please explore and enjoy.


Sunday,  04 December 2022
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Audio Production

“The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.” — Bruce Springsteen

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Guitar and musical instrument design is a passion.  A good guitar is like...you know?  Here is a gallery of some of my signature creations.  

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If you need it but it doesn't exist, then you have to create it.  The Drop Swapper is an electro-mechanical device for arranging effects units quickly and easily.  

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I like to write.  Here are some selections and samples from a few writing contests and short story submissions.      


Contact Me

Drop me a line. Send me a message. Write me a letter.